Sunday, August 11, 2019

Season Finale - Episode 12 : Dedication

Welcome to the final episode of season one of the Clarity Cloud Podcast! I’m your host Angie Mason thank you for joining me along on this ride — Season One is coming full circle! 

This has been an exciting journey learning new things all while exploring the topics of living a creative life and how to navigate its complex terrain. This final show looks at a key component to living a creative life, the ingredient needed in bringing anything to fruition..and that is dedication. 

This podcast started out as a passing daydream and now at the final episode of season one Clarity Cloud podcast — it has come to fruition! It’s out there existing in the world for people to follow along with or discover at any time! 

The seekers, keepers and weirdos

Before I dive Into this episode I wanted to give a special thanks to you dear listeners , followers of my art path and a huge thanks to my patreon supporters — it’s you, the seekers, keepers and weirdos — it’s you who helped encourage and push this dream along with your positive feedback, generous support, I’m so grateful for all the 5 star reviews and stellar written reviews. So thank you for all your kindness it has been helpful in propelling this idea forward and making it real! šŸ˜Š 

Keep exploring, learning and growing.

This process of making a podcast has been quite fun — getting into a rhythm with how I produced the show from start to finish on my own… which is why the timing may have at times gone much much slower because when you take on everything all on your own, well I suppose that is to be expected. I am proud I stuck with it and seeing it all together feels like a real resource to return to, a personal art self help podcast/blog I can pull up when I am not feeling so good and anyone else who finds comfort in it can do the same.

 My dedication to making this project real in the end is what it is all about creatively speaking not just for this podcast project but all the art endeavors I pursue. Dedication in my mind is the master key to opening up our dreams and seeing true possibilities — it’s the will to keep going and not give up, it is the will to keep pushing ourselves forward into actualizing dreams and ideas making them real all while we keep exploring, learning and growing.

Believe in your ideas

Being dedicated to your growth and visions — sticking to them however slow they may progress at times — as long as we keep pushing along and remain committed to bringing ideas to fruition we eventually give real life to these ideas. This podcast and season are coming to full fruition which once had simply begun as a passing day dream —a simple thought — cultivated into existence as an actual thing that others can now experience —  hey You there listening — I am sure you have an idea, a vision floating around in your minds eye now with a bit of dedicated focus and planning you can also birth an idea into existence. Really! Believe in it that is a huge first step! 

Start by believing in it — make it real in your mind — then make it physically real by writing it down on paper. Keep that paper somewhere you can see as a reminder to yourself to push yourself to keep going and to be dedicated. Eventually the seeds that we plant, as long as we tend to them and nurture them they do grow. 

Rest and Don’t Give up 

But at this cross roads final season episode I’ll be honest it’s pretty hard writing a show about dedication on a down and out day where you feel like quitting and giving up lingering toxic vibes of why bother hanging thick over you. But yet here I am pushing through the murky waters of my brain — of the world. I’m persistently pushing through thick waters of doubt and distraction to get to a place where my head is above water and I can breath freely and create once again. This up and down rollercoaster ride is part of the process. 

Having awareness that  there will be off days allows for healing and acceptance, it allows for us to navigate around barriers that seem to be forever blocking our path — the restful  creative hibernation moments allow for healing to build up our strength needed to knock down those barriers. So Take those days to rest but don’t give up, don’t quit — just rest, clear your mind and  remain dedicated.

Connecting the dots

It can be a real challenge to remain dedicated I know—  for instance in these modern days of communication and trying to connect and share your finished projects it can feel stunted and out right blocked with paid reach blockades and no support coming your way. So much for social media being social — it can actually be pretty Frustrating and isolating at times. Why do this? Why make the output of energy for little to no return why do we keep going? After all doesn’t life tell us so often most never have their dreams come true most just fall flat and fail or most just give up and wither away into obscurity. But yet here I am I keep going. Am I mad? Are you? Are we touched in the heads to believe if we keep at this thing we do get some kind of pay off or reward will happen? 

Or Maybe just doing the thing we do is the reward partially that is true for myself... maybe just doing the thing makes you feel alive doing the thing is part of your humanity—I know it makes me feel the most alive when I make my art and I take great comfort and satisfaction in my creative process and release. I feel proud of much of what I make and in fact believe in what I do. Even if my eyes are the only ones seeing it. Believing in what you are doing and being dedicated go along way to creating a solid foundation and making it real. But that is just part of the puzzle of feeling whole.The missing piece is connection to an audience to be able to share in that human experience to feel connected is to connect the dots and not feel so alone on this spinning blue rock. 

Push through

The question I am faced with over and over is how do I remain dedicated to this art life? Dedication is in my mind one of the most important factors in creation and choosing an art life. This is the key to a long healthy life of being an artist. There are a great many ups and downs and far more of the latter for sure. However we can break through the negative walls — it is with dedication to our chosen art  our path — THAT is how we can push through. Push through self doubt and outside criticism. Push through slow periods of output , push through depression and sadness...keep pushing  keep going remain dedicated to your vision this is how you make them real. 

When you are In the moment of creation or working out an idea and about to give up just keep going for 5 more minutes those dedicated few minutes add up and help build up our energy even if we don’t know it yet. That creative residual energy sits in our brains and while we are in a seemingly restful mode of creative hibernation ideas are working out behind the scenes dots are connecting and may emerge during our next creative work process. 

But how do we remain dedicated when we feel like burying our heads six feet deep into a pile of  pillows. How do we keep moving forward when our lives are falling apart around us,or rather when the world is falling apart around us? We may be seen as selfish for following through with our visions path. How dare we do the thing that fulfills us. How dare we think to feel happy and whole. But the thing is we need people to follow their vision dream paths because that spark is contagious and humanity needs all the positive sparks it can get towards keeping the fire of progress and free thinking alive burning strong lighting the way for other similar minds seeking this path. 

Out of the darkness 

As I am sure you know by now this journey its not for the faint of heart. You face a lot of monsters and demons along the way you must do battle with. Self doubt being a big ugly monster that is so tenacious at times it could almost feel at times it’s winning. But I tell you from all my years following this winding path seeing some sharp dark turns I just kept drawing painting and writing and even at times strumming my way out of the darkness. You will find yourself alone often, it can seem like you are the only pair of eyes looking at what you are doing, believing in what you are doing ... but even if that is the actual case nurture your vision believe in what you are making this has a great power pushing you forward on your path. Scribble doodle scrawl and draw your way out of the darkness. This constant dedicated focus and maybe not so focused action will eventually come to sharp clarity and by doing the thing, the thing makes you and guides you along getting you found. 

Knowing about the cycles of creation that awareness can allow for growth to happen say during a creative hibernation where you can still remain dedicated just in a more restful state absorbing ideas.  Being aware of things we discussed in previous episodes like time thieves and the pits of perfectionism and chaos births. All these things can be navigated and you can find your way out pushing through with dedication to your idea your vision path. 

Stay on the path! 

Keep going, keep doing the thing that sets sparks in your heart. When your hearts ablaze it lights the way and it fills you with courage and determination to go after those ideas you have visit you and let them stay awhile — even let those ideas live with you finding a home in your vision and dedication. 

In the end don’t stop doing the things you do — sing a song, doodle a dream, make marks push paint, push dreams...strengthen your skills, scribble, scrawl, doodle your way out of the darkness by being dedicated and doing the thing you love — a little every day goes a long way. 

This has been the clarity cloud podcast season one transmission coming to full fruition . I wish us both luck on our creative journeys and hope we all bring many ideas to fruition! Just do and be and try and always dream yourself awake. 

Goodnight Dreamlets, 

I’m Angie your host of the clarity cloud podcast thank you for following along on this ride with me. Now go catch some ideas and make them want to live within your hearts! 

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