Friday, June 29, 2018

Seekers always seeking...

We all could use some more clarity... including my cats! *Clarity Cloud resin sculpture by Angie Mason.

EPISODE 3: Environment is everything.

Thought Journal - Artist Angie Mason 

Being able to carve out a space where you go sit and be without distractions is key to being able to bring ideas to fruition.

EPISODE 2: Navigating Life Paths

“On the road to find out “ -it’s a Cat Stevens song and this captures and also applies to so much of the search for meaning we go through in life really…

Allowing myself to be lost in order to be found. That has been a mantra of my mine for what feels like decades now. Having the understanding that this life is complicated and confusing and to forgive ourselves for not always getting there, to the place we thought we needed to be. To forgive ourselves for being lost, but really in the end we should thank ourselves, by letting the chaos of life seep into or psyches we actually helped ourselves grow. We saw more of what life’s roads and paths look like and  we became more familiar with the winding complexity of back roads basically making us better fuller humans by being more in tune with the complexities of human nature. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

New mantras for next level ...

We are the Seekers...

We are the Dreamers...

Dreaming Ourselves Awake.

Right before us stand so many possibilities, so many dreams waiting to in the worst words get blown. Don't blow it kids, oh wait totally blow it make wishes and always DREAM BIG the day you stop dreaming is the day you die. ❤️✨✨✨✨ 

Sunday, June 24, 2018

EPISODE 1: Small steps are still progress...

Sometimes the best thing you do all day is peel an orange in one continuous piece. #creativehibernation

What is the Clarity Cloud Blogcast & Podcast all about you ask? This is basically the genesis, the beginning, my personal super nova big bang start of a new project which is creating a new platform to discuss and nurture the idea of our creative lives.