Friday, June 29, 2018

EPISODE 2: Navigating Life Paths

“On the road to find out “ -it’s a Cat Stevens song and this captures and also applies to so much of the search for meaning we go through in life really…

Allowing myself to be lost in order to be found. That has been a mantra of my mine for what feels like decades now. Having the understanding that this life is complicated and confusing and to forgive ourselves for not always getting there, to the place we thought we needed to be. To forgive ourselves for being lost, but really in the end we should thank ourselves, by letting the chaos of life seep into or psyches we actually helped ourselves grow. We saw more of what life’s roads and paths look like and  we became more familiar with the winding complexity of back roads basically making us better fuller humans by being more in tune with the complexities of human nature. 

Eventually we find out that we can get the hang of these twists and turns taking them with a greater fluidity, grace and an innate sense of direction. We became more flexible and empathic toward others knowing the varied struggles we all face. We became more open to possibilities and most importantly open to the difficulties being able to navigate new challenges  we face daily helps us move forward and keep our minds set on our intentions not letting these obstacles stop our progress. Through all our winding life paths we now know that we are not set out on a straight and narrow newly paved road but instead we are on a bumpy crooked dirt road often with terrible potholes that at times it can make you break down on the side of the road with a  blown out tire, out of gas. But eventually you get the jumpstart you need and keep moving forward.

This creative art life path I have chosen has been a bumpy one for sure. I realize things shift greatly and also communities and scenes end or change, there’s an ebb and flow with everything in life and it’s important to grow with these shifts in life. Allow yourself to change course take a detour learn ALWAYS LEARN new things. Think about how these new bits of knowledge we acquire along the way how they can be integrated with older talents. What projects can be born out merging two separate passions? 
For me  currently one of those things is this podcast. I took my love of blogging and writing and my new love of listening to podcasts and decided to try this process out for myself. I’m taking a detour to see where it leads me. It’s really taking the scenic route and enjoying all these new experiences even if I end up broke down on the side of the road out of gas at some point. Keep trying, Keep doing , Keep going! 

 - Dream Yourself Awake.

A. The Clarity Cloud Consortium™ 

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