Wednesday, October 31, 2018


in·spi·ra·tion ˌinspəˈrāSH(ə)n noun
1.the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
—verb (used with object), in·spired, in·spir·ing.
a to infuse (breath, life, etc.) by breathing (usually followed by into ).
b to breathe into or upon
Origin: 1300–50; Middle English inspiren < Latin inspīrāre to breathe upon or into, equivalent to in- in-2+ spīrāre to breathe


The word inspiration has early roots in Latin, meaning to breath upon and breath life into. I personally love the idea of this extra life force breathing even more life into us, making us better humans if not just for a moment. We push humanity forward every time inspiration shows itself to someone; A cure, a scientific breakthrough, a beautiful poem or a visual feast of a painting to name a few. These are the astonishing parts of humanity - how we create and share our wonder, that makes life meaningful and makes you want to wake up in the morning at the chance you just might be inspired that day.